
Why 33,000 Is Not A Significant Number

Never underestimate the petty vindictiveness of those in power.

33,000 emails may seem like a lot, but it really isn’t. I am self-employed and generally my means of communication with folks is by email. I am not currently working on a project so my email count is lower than usual.

This is a spreadsheet of the number of emails on my new computer that was purchased in April and my old computer that I am primarily using in my studio.

Email Spreadsheet

I use the family private server. Yes, there have been attempts to break into it. We have protocols in place to update the security on the server on a daily basis, track hacking attempts, and monitor logins. While you can never be absolutely positive that your server has not been hacked there are no indications that ours has been.

I suspect that Hillary’s server has more sophisticated security than ours, since it is an obvious target for hackers. And if it was hacked, where is the evidence?

Those in positions of power should be using their time and our tax dollars on issues and policies that benefit all of the people of our country, not for their power-mongering pleasure.

The quote at the top of my post is from the BBC series Pie in the Sky. It is fiction, but the statement comes from a more rational place than most of the reasons used to support the never ending attacks on Hillary Clinton. Unfortunately Hillary is probably accustomed to attacks, as are many women.

What the power-mongering people do not seem to comprehend is while they are trying to hurt Hillary Clinton, they are harming all of the people of our country.

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