Book–Virginia Woolf Quote

Virginia Woolf Quote–Lock up your libraries, if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that can set upon the freedom of my mind.

Lock Libraries
Freedom of Thought
Lock Libraries

Lock Libraries

Pit-fired Beads and Knotted Fiber Closure
Lock Libraries

Paste Paper
Lock Libraries

Lock Up Your
Lock Libraries

Libraries If You Like;
Lock Libraries

But There Is No Gate,
Lock Libraries

No Lock, No Bolt
Lock Libraries

That You Can Set Upon The
Lock Libraries

Freedom Of My Mind.
Lock Libraries

Note Envelope
Lock Libraries

Lock Libraries
Lock Libraries

Back Cover
Lock Libraries

Lock Libraries


Nagging Feeling of Absence

This is a memorial piece for absent family.

First square is the symbol used for a spacer at the beginning, end, and between words.

Nagging Feeling

Nagging Feeling

Modified tap and clock code. The rust fiber is the code, the pale green fiber is used for spacers.

Nagging Feeling

Each cardboard card is reinforced with a piece of cardstock. The cardstock is bound through the cardboard and around the cardstock.
Nagging Feeling

Notes on Work
Nagging Feeling

Nagging Feeling

Hung in the corner of the guest bedroom that has become storage space for work.

Nagging Feeling

Materials–Paper, metal, fiber, ink, PVA

Scale–66″ x 3.75″ x .25″

Just Because Book

Quote used–Just because you are taught that something is right and everyone believes it is right, it does not make it right.

Just Because

When I looked at the images, I realized I forgot to use stamps to number the pages. Maybe today.

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

My last name in code.
Just Because

Materials–monoprints, paper,roofing felt, fiber, metal,chalk, PVA

Scale–5.75″ x 6.5″ x 1.5″

Truth–Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan quote–We wish to find the truth, no matter where it lies. But to find the truth we need imagination and skepticism both. We will not be afraid to speculate, but we will be careful to distinguish
speculation from fact.

Code is modified tap code in a domino format.

Tap Code

Domino Format

The upper portion in stitched is a lighter green than the bottom portion.

Domino Format

Since C and K are typically the same I decided to give K the code 63 (C is 13), comma 85, and period 88.

Unfortunately, when I photographed the piece with my phone, the dark green fiber is difficult to distinguish from the black domino cards.
Completed Piece

Completed Piece

Materials–Paper, Fiber, PVA, Binder Clips

Scale–11” x 35” x 1”

Book–Second Bradbury quote

Ray Badbury quote–There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.




This is the second time I used burnt matches for binary code. The large single matches on a card are spacers between words.

Do the colors of the cards mean anything? Yes, modified Morse code. The layout is the repeated word Read.

Page 1 There is more
Bradbury2_Page 1

Page 2 than one way
Bradbury2_Page 2

Page 3 to burn a book
Bradbury2_Page 3

Page 4 . And the
Bradbury2_Page 4

Page 5 world is full
Bradbury2_Page 5

Page 6 of people
Bradbury2_Page 6

Page 7 running about
Bradbury2_Page 7

Page 8 with lit
Bradbury2_Page 8

Page 9 matches.
Bradbury2_Page 9

Envelope for Notes on Piece
Bradbury2_Notes 1

Bradbury2_Notes 2

Materials–Monoprints, rust paper, paper, burnt matches, clip nuts, safety pins, metal, waxed linen, cotton, pit-fired bead.


Friendship is a Sheltering Tree

Sheltering Tree

Made a code combining Morse and Clock. Short lines are used for dots and long lines for dashes. The code is–
Friendship is a sheltering tree. It is a Samuel Taylor Coleridge quote.

Plant materials are from my gardens. California Live Oaks have sharp and prickly leaves. The needles are from, I think it is the White Pine. They are also a bit prickly.

Materials–Plant material, paper, safety pins, fiber, PVA.
Scale–21.5” x 18.5” x .5”

Book–Old Friends

Used a Christopher Hitchens quote–A melancholy lesson of advancing years is the realization that you can’t make old friends.

Cover Code is Old Friends
Old Friends

A Melancholy
Old Friends

Lesson of
Old Friends

Advancing Years
Old Friends

Is The Realization
Old Friends

That You Can’t
Old Friends

Make Old Friends
Old Friends

Old Friends

Notes Envelope
Old Friends

Old Friends

Back Cover
Old Friends

Materials–monoprints, tree wrap, paper, metal, fiber, PVA

Scale–6.25″ x 5.75″ x 1″