Book–Evil Quote

Hannah Arendt Quote
Hannah Arendt Quote

Closure–Knitted Band with Pit-Fired Beads
Book Cover

Monoprint of My Bunny James’ Eye.
Book Cover

Book Spine

Book Spine

Book Pages

Evil Seldom Arrives
Page 1

In A Big Box,
Page 2

Wrapped In A Bow,
Page 3

Labeled “Evil”.
Page 4

Instead, It Works In
Page 5

Small And Subtle Ways,
Page 6

Overtaking A Society
Page 7

Slowly But Surely,
Page 8

Working Its Way Through
Page 9

Those Grey Zones
Page 10

Where People Can’t
Page 11

See Clearly,
Page 12

Where They Aren’t Quite Sure
Page 13

What It Is They Are Dealing With,
Page 14

Where People Can’t
Page 15

Figure It Out,
Page 16

It’s Too
Page 17

Page 18

Note Envelope


Materials–Monoprints, paper, fiber, pit-fired beads, sealant.

Scale–4″ x 5″ x 2″

Book–Pussy Willow Song

The book cover is made of three pieces of embroidered hardware cloth. The code of the cover is the word willow. Three Salix cuttings were bound together and then bound to the book cover.
Pussy Willow Book 01A

Pussy Willow Book 01B

Pussy Willow Book 01C

Pussy Willow Book 02

Pussy Willow Book 03

Pussy Willow Book 04

Each page is a piece of textured paper with a slightly wider sheet of green paper.
Pussy Willow Book 05

I used a modified Masonic cipher for the code. I made the texture by rolling each sheet diagonally (corner 1) around a piece of dowel. Removed the rolled paper from the dowel. Folded it in half, then pressed the folds together. Rolled the paper diagonally (corner three), folded each direction. The result is a grid of diamonds.

Pussy Willow Book 06

Pussy Willow Book 07

Note Envelope
Pussy Willow Book 08

Pussy Willow Book 09

Pussy Willow Song Wallpiece

My Salix has catkins. When I was looking at them, I remembered a song I learned in school when I was a child. I suspect the song would be banned in most schools today.

I do have a tendency to perseverate. To attempt to rid myself of the Pussy Willow song I made the wallpiece and I am working on a book with the song in code.

Pussy Willow Song WP1

I have an old version of Flash that I use for layout. I like that I can make code symbols that can easily be replaced. I printed the layout and used it for piercing and reference.

Pussy Willow Song WP2A

Used a modified Morse Code–short lines for dots, long lines for dashes. Had the ide of connecting the lines for each letter, and for each word.

Pussy Willow Song WP2B

Pussy Willow Song WP3A

Bound Salix cuttings to the background to break up the text a bit.
Pussy Willow Song WP3B

Bound the catkins to the background with the hope of preventing them from falling off.
Pussy Willow Song WP4

The only space left in my office that was long enough for the piece.
Pussy Willow Song WP8

Note envelope attached to the back of the piece.
Pussy Willow Song WP9

The notes regarding scale are a bit messy. Originally I had another piece of paper glued to the notes. I thought about writing out the lyrics, but decided not. When I removed the paper there was a bit of glue residue left. It prevented the lead from making clear marks.
Pussy Willow Song WP9

It is a bother. I suspect I will erase the lot, remove the bit with glue and rewrite the notes.

Materials–Used packing envelope, paper, fiber, pussy willow cuttings.

Scale–30.5″ x 12″ x .5″ without hanger. The addition of the hanger adds approximately 7″.

Palm Book–Orwell

Palm Book with the George Orwell quote–The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.

Past Truth

The code is based on Morse Code. The diagonal lines above the line replace dots; the diagonal lines below replace the dashes.

Past Truth

Materials–paper, monoprints, fiber, pit-fired beads.

Scale–Bound 5″ x 2″ x 1.25″ Open 5″ x 22″ x .5″


Quote used–Regret. It piles up around us like books we never read. From the movie Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit.

Regret Piles Books

Monoprint with cotton fiber code.

Regret Piles Books

Old frame that doesn’t quite work.

Regret Piles Books

The Regret piece will be next to the Bamboozled piece. Decided to change the Regret frame to a darker brown.

Regret Piles Books

Fixed up frame.The darker frame looks better with the monoprint and the stitchwork.

Regret Piles Books

Test to determine if a label can be affixed to a panel that does not have a sealant.

Regret Piles Books

The CMC and label have dried, seem affixed.

Bamboozled Post

Monoprint Code Test

Yesterday I was dinking around with monoprinting code. I tested transferring laser prints to a gel press. I have been looking for ways to make code that is less stressful on my hands. Embroidery is lovely and I love doing it, but the process has painful results for me.

I cut the prints into code units. I didn’t have many to work with, but I did have enough for my nephew’s first and last name. He has been on my mind because he was born 4/11/73. He would have been 50 years old. When I said goodbye to him he was a mere 17 years old.

2023 Rick

I hung the piece next to a piece I made for my mother’s memorial. And the first birthday piece I made for myself.

2023 Rick

Birthday Memorial with Clip Hanger

2023 Rick

Clip Hanger is dated 11/13/23. My Nephew’s Father’s Birthday is 11/13/52

2023 Rick

Monoprint Code–Long Verticals are Dashes; Short Horizontals are Dots; the components with affixed pieces are spacers.

2023 Rick

Birthday Memorial Date 50 Years

Materials–paper, paint, ink, clip.

Scale–29″ x 6″ x .75″

I like the result of the monoprint test much more than the simple embroidered piece that I also made.

2023 Rick

My Nephew’s name and 50 Years embroidered on paper and affixed to a strip of tree wrap.

Previous Birthday Piece post

The Birthday Piece was relocated. I do enjoy filling narrow spaces.
2023 Rick

Book–Bruises Completed

The bruises made by a stick or stone will disappear in time; those inflicted by a thoughtless or bitter word may never heal. Eleanor Roosevelt




Who Are You


The Bruises (L) Made By A (R)


Stick or (L) Stone (R)


Will (L) Disappear (R)


In Time; (L) Those (R)


Inflicted (L) By A (R)


Thoughtless (L) Or (R)


Bitter Word (L) May Never (R)


Heal. (L) Notes Envelope (R)

Notes on Piece

Materials–Paper, rust, paint, fiber

Scale–5.25″ x 4.5″ x .75″