Succulent Seedlings

Decided to clean out my box of seed collected from a variety of sources. Found an envelope labeled succulent seed, grass-like, with a harvested date in 2016.

Half filled one inch paper pots with cactus mix. Planted 5 seed in each pot–one each corner and one in the center (March 21, 2018).


April 23, 2018 I found sprouts emerging from what appears to be small bulbs. The seedlings are so small and fine, I missed the transformation from seed to seedling.

Pretty sure the seeds were harvested from this plant.


Recently the plant had numerous small white flowers, followed by seed pods. I had been tossing the seed into a cactus mix filled terra cotta pot.




Yesterday (April 27, 2018) I placed five succulent seed on a dampened bamboo towel.

Bamboo Fabric
Succulent Seeds
Then placed the lot inside a plastic bag.
Succulent Seeds

The plan is to keep the bamboo towel slightly damp and to wait (hope) for the transformation.

New Additions to My Garden Cost a Total of $1.62!

Farm Supply has shelves of plants with reduced prices. Often the plants are not pretty, they have gone through a bloom. May be leggy. May need cleaned up a bit.

Today I found 3 succulents on the clearance shelves for .50 each.

Plant 1 Became 3 Plantings in the Garden

Succulent 1

Succulent 1

Succulent 1

Succulent 1

Plant 2 With Buds


Succulent 2

Buds This Morning April 28,2018
Succulent 2

Plant 3 and Cuttings for Possible More Plants
Succulent 3

Succulent 3

The Leaves for Possible More Plants
Succulent 3

Example of Leaves Growing More Plants
Succulent with Plantlets

I spent a total of $1.62 for my new plants!

Not exactly a rule, but I try to plant new plants the day I bring them home. I popped the succulents in the garden after dinner and before the cleaning up.

Trapped Cactus Update

Trapped Cactus

Trapped Cactus Starts 07/28/17

Trapped Cactus

Trapped Cactus Starts 04/15/18.

One section is heavy and resting on the ground. Have taken starts of the new growth and placed them in other areas of the garden.

Plan to build a small trellis to support the cactus to keep it a bit more upright.

Trapped Cactus

Trapped Cactus One of Two Buds

Trapped Cactus

Trapped Cactus Second of Two Buds

Trapped Cactus

Trapped Cactus April 15, 2018

Trapped Cactus

Trapped Cactus April 15, 2018 Buds

Trapped Cactus Bud

Trapped Cactus One of Two Buds

Trapped Cactus Bud

Trapped Cactus Two of Two Buds