Just Because Book

Quote used–Just because you are taught that something is right and everyone believes it is right, it does not make it right.

Just Because

When I looked at the images, I realized I forgot to use stamps to number the pages. Maybe today.

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

My last name in code.
Just Because

Materials–monoprints, paper,roofing felt, fiber, metal,chalk, PVA

Scale–5.75″ x 6.5″ x 1.5″

Book–Second Bradbury quote

Ray Badbury quote–There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.




This is the second time I used burnt matches for binary code. The large single matches on a card are spacers between words.

Do the colors of the cards mean anything? Yes, modified Morse code. The layout is the repeated word Read.

Page 1 There is more
Bradbury2_Page 1

Page 2 than one way
Bradbury2_Page 2

Page 3 to burn a book
Bradbury2_Page 3

Page 4 . And the
Bradbury2_Page 4

Page 5 world is full
Bradbury2_Page 5

Page 6 of people
Bradbury2_Page 6

Page 7 running about
Bradbury2_Page 7

Page 8 with lit
Bradbury2_Page 8

Page 9 matches.
Bradbury2_Page 9

Envelope for Notes on Piece
Bradbury2_Notes 1

Bradbury2_Notes 2

Materials–Monoprints, rust paper, paper, burnt matches, clip nuts, safety pins, metal, waxed linen, cotton, pit-fired bead.


Book–Old Friends

Used a Christopher Hitchens quote–A melancholy lesson of advancing years is the realization that you can’t make old friends.

Cover Code is Old Friends
Old Friends

A Melancholy
Old Friends

Lesson of
Old Friends

Advancing Years
Old Friends

Is The Realization
Old Friends

That You Can’t
Old Friends

Make Old Friends
Old Friends

Old Friends

Notes Envelope
Old Friends

Old Friends

Back Cover
Old Friends

Materials–monoprints, tree wrap, paper, metal, fiber, PVA

Scale–6.25″ x 5.75″ x 1″

Thinking of You Greeting

My niece is in an PhD/MD program. She is now a PhD doctor and recently started her medical rotations. Since she will have no time for gardening or much of anything other than work. I made her a little greeting with a few dried plants from my gardens.

Interesting that I did not use any code. Good thing?

The monoprints are peculiar in that they are not my typical palette. Well, when I was working in clay I used some lead glazes that resulted in gorgeous orange surfaces.

I used a sealant on the pages that was to have been matte. The shiny surfaces made it complicated to take photos. I repeatedly took them, over and over and over. Need to mail the card today. Time to stop.

These were taken on a piece of cork, near a north east window, with diffused light.

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Double Accordion

Yesterday I viewed a video on Kirsten Varga’s YouTube channel. It is a Double Accordion with signatures.

In the video, Kirsten used gold masking tape to affix the ends together to make the cover. I didn’t have that type of tape so I used gaffer’s tape. Since the tape is two inches wide, I measured an inch on either side of the center for the proper placement. It was a little tricky aligning it inside. Not really enough space to align it.

Double Accordion

I used monoprints to cover thin black poster board for the covers. It is available at Dollar Tree, six 11″ x 14″ sheets in a package.

I didn’t notice until I viewed the photo. The tape isn’t aligned on the inside of the closure band. Matte medium was used to affix the paper to the poster board. The matte medium is rather old and may have been the reason it wrinkled the paper. I sandwiched the pieces between wax paper, and weighted them overnight.

Double Accordion

Double Accordion

I used the three hole pamphlet stitch to bind the book together.
Double Accordion

Double Accordion

Double Accordion

Double Accordion

Double Accordion

Double Accordion

Double Accordion

Double Accordion

Double Accordion

Double Accordion

Double Accordion

Double Accordion

Monoprints, paper, matte medium, fiber, gaffer’s tape.

Scale–Bound Closed 3.75″ x 2.75″ x 1″; Open varies 8″ x 2.75″ x 3″