Nearly all the Billbergia nutans flowers have been eaten in the back garden.

Who did it? We have had families of squirrels, mice, and roof rats hanging out in the gardens.
I baited our humane traps with orange peel, peanut butter, and seeds.

Now I wait…
Checked the traps at 7:00 pm. A rat ran down the tree from the bird feeder, but the trap was empty.
This is what I found in the trap in the back garden.

Day 2 7:50 pm. Rat two capture. Noticed that nearly all of the orange peel and seed is gone. Must have been a hungry little one.

Day 4 6:50 pm Rat three. He is quite calm considering he was trapped.

Day 5 7:54 pm Rat 4. The largest rat we have found in the trap.

Day 6 5:45 pm Rat 5, part of a family of three little ones. Waiting to catch at least one more, don’t want to send such a small rat into its new location on its own. While I was waiting to trap an least one of the other wee rats, number 5 managed to escape in the garage.

Day 6 7:30 pm Rat 6 and 7

Rats 6 and 7 are in a tall trash can, topped with a lid.
Baited both traps and placed them near captured 6 and 7.
Rat 5 recaptured. He is in the container with Rats 6 and 7. Rats 6 and 7 and in a little furry pile.
Day 7 Rat 8 8:50 PM, the largest rat yet.

Information on Billbergia nutans–San Marcos Growers