Borage and Damage

6/20/21 Folded Small Paper Pots for Planting Seed
Planted a single seed in each paper pot.

50 Borage
10 Black Barlow
5 Nigella

Placed the lot in a plastic pizza container. Covered with Cling Wrap

Borage Planting Notes

Borage Planting Notes

6/25/21 Removed the cling wrap, there were over 25 sprouts.

Borage Planting Flat

Potted them up because the roots from one seedling were growing into the neighbor paper pots.

Borage Planting Flat

6/29/21 Transplanted Some of the Seedlings in the Garden.
Potted up the rest. Finished at nearly noon.

Potted Borage

This is What I found at 3:30

Potted Borage Damage

Potted Borage Damage

Potted Borage Damage

Potted Borage Damage

Potted Borage Damage

6/30/21 What I Found on the Deck Today
The 3 Potted Borage Seedlings I Placed on the Deck

Potted Borage Damage

Potted Borage Damage

Even a succulent start was ripped from its pot.

Succulent Damage

Who is responsible for the damage? Pretty sure it was a California Towhee family.

Audubon–California Towhee

This has been a frustrating year for gardening. My flats have been ripped up, several plants in the greenhouse were shredded. Wildflower and Datura seedlings vanished from the garden.

Growth Found in Pot of Soil in the Garage

Transplanted dianthus from the pot to the garden. Then placed the pot of soil in the garage. The pot had been under the bird feeder. Apparently, birdseed is resilient.

Birdseed Growth

Birdseed Growth

Moved the pot outside for the birds. The Towhees often nibble my seedlings, even in the greenhouse. Maybe this will be a treat for them.

Red-Breasted Nuthatch

A new visitor has been coming to our bird feeder. Difficult to take a photo because it doesn’t stay still very long and is too far away.

The bird quickly enters the bird feeder, snags a seed, exits, and flies into the oak or pine trees.

Red-Breasted Nuthatch

We built the bird feeder out of a wire-coated basket and some scrap wood. We hoped the wire would keep out the squirrels.

Squirrel in bird feeder

Squirrel in bird feeder

Today I was able to capture a photo of the visitor, not a great one. But it was good enough that I could use it to identify the bird.

Red-Breasted Nuthatch

Red-Breasted Nuthatch


Canadian Wildlife Federation, Hinterland Who’s Who

Las Pilitas Nursery–California Native Plants

Bob, Nest, 3 Eggs, 4!

Bob Tea Box

Bob is so light weight she can sit on the edge of a soon to be destructed Lipton Green Tea Box. She is so busy, quick, and aggressive, it is difficult to get a photo of her while at work.

Bob Tea Box

This is the largest nest she has ever made! She was using junk mail, but now she prefers food boxes.

Bob Nest

Bob lays an egg every couple of days. According to her schedule, she will probably lay another egg today.
Bob Eggs

She is such a cheerful little one.

Update 2018 08 30

As of Last Night, Now There Are 4!

Bob Eggs

Quick Look Bob Sitting in Nest, Didn’t Want to Disturb Her

Bob Nest

The Bird Sitting on My Knee and Singing While I Was Updating Post
The Bird

Bob and Nest, Elliot and Burrow in Progress

Bob Nest

Bob, Nest and Eggs
August 1, 2018

Bob Nest

Bob Building Nest After Egg Removal
August 19, 2018

Elliot Hole

One of Elliot’s Holes in Hill Garden

Elliot Hole

Elliot and Dash. Elliot is the small black bunny. She was rescued running around the neighborhood. Dash is the large ginger bunny. He was a shelter bunny.

Moth and Roadrunner Henderson, NV

Sphynx Moth

Sphynx Moth in Henderson, NV garden last night.

I was using the flashlight on my phone to locate the moth and then used the flash. The moth was bopping around from plant to plant. At one point it flew into my ankle.

Road Runner

Roadrunner above Henderson, NV garden this morning.

The roadrunner was rather far away and in the shade. I did a quick (HDR Scrape), not great edit in Snapseed. Need to dink around with the HDR Scrape to find best way to use it.


There are two young Jack Rabbits in the garden that I have been unable to photograph. Too much fun to watch them, forget to take a photo.