6/20/21 Folded Small Paper Pots for Planting Seed
Planted a single seed in each paper pot.
50 Borage
10 Black Barlow
5 Nigella
Placed the lot in a plastic pizza container. Covered with Cling Wrap

6/25/21 Removed the cling wrap, there were over 25 sprouts.

Potted them up because the roots from one seedling were growing into the neighbor paper pots.

6/29/21 Transplanted Some of the Seedlings in the Garden.
Potted up the rest. Finished at nearly noon.

This is What I found at 3:30

6/30/21 What I Found on the Deck Today
The 3 Potted Borage Seedlings I Placed on the Deck

Even a succulent start was ripped from its pot.

Who is responsible for the damage? Pretty sure it was a California Towhee family.
Audubon–California Towhee
This has been a frustrating year for gardening. My flats have been ripped up, several plants in the greenhouse were shredded. Wildflower and Datura seedlings vanished from the garden.