Nagging Feeling of Absence

This is a memorial piece for absent family.

First square is the symbol used for a spacer at the beginning, end, and between words.

Nagging Feeling

Nagging Feeling

Modified tap and clock code. The rust fiber is the code, the pale green fiber is used for spacers.

Nagging Feeling

Each cardboard card is reinforced with a piece of cardstock. The cardstock is bound through the cardboard and around the cardstock.
Nagging Feeling

Notes on Work
Nagging Feeling

Nagging Feeling

Hung in the corner of the guest bedroom that has become storage space for work.

Nagging Feeling

Materials–Paper, metal, fiber, ink, PVA

Scale–66″ x 3.75″ x .25″

Just Because Book

Quote used–Just because you are taught that something is right and everyone believes it is right, it does not make it right.

Just Because

When I looked at the images, I realized I forgot to use stamps to number the pages. Maybe today.

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

Just Because

My last name in code.
Just Because

Materials–monoprints, paper,roofing felt, fiber, metal,chalk, PVA

Scale–5.75″ x 6.5″ x 1.5″