Book–Second Bradbury quote

Ray Badbury quote–There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.




This is the second time I used burnt matches for binary code. The large single matches on a card are spacers between words.

Do the colors of the cards mean anything? Yes, modified Morse code. The layout is the repeated word Read.

Page 1 There is more
Bradbury2_Page 1

Page 2 than one way
Bradbury2_Page 2

Page 3 to burn a book
Bradbury2_Page 3

Page 4 . And the
Bradbury2_Page 4

Page 5 world is full
Bradbury2_Page 5

Page 6 of people
Bradbury2_Page 6

Page 7 running about
Bradbury2_Page 7

Page 8 with lit
Bradbury2_Page 8

Page 9 matches.
Bradbury2_Page 9

Envelope for Notes on Piece
Bradbury2_Notes 1

Bradbury2_Notes 2

Materials–Monoprints, rust paper, paper, burnt matches, clip nuts, safety pins, metal, waxed linen, cotton, pit-fired bead.



Every day there are reports of multiple books banned because some people found them offensive. Often those same people haven’t even read them. Simple Solution–if you believe that you won’t like a book; don’t read it. Don’t make books unavailable for people who would find them enjoyable, interesting, and informative.

My mother was an avid reader. She taught me to love and respect books. Some of my fondest memories are of our monthly visits to the pubic library. I loved walking through the stacks, looking for, and finding something wonderful to read.

I continued the practice when I was in college and grad school. One of the benefits about being a grad student, was being permitted to keep books for an entire term. I loved that I had a borrowed library in my apartment.

Whenever I had extra money, I bought books. I have over 1,300 printed books and nearly 650 digital books. My printed books are on shelves and stacked all over the house–on chairs, floors, desks, and my studio work table. Some books are stored in boxes in the garage. Digital books are nice because they take up little space. Just not the same sensory experience as touching, smelling, and reading paper books.

As a young adult, I never considered folding a page or making marks in my books. Most likely it was the result of decades of borrowing. Now I make notes, comments, and even record ideas for art projects. I am warming to digital books. It is easy to make highlights and add notes. The search feature and print function saves loads of time.

For the past year, I have been making books based on my reading and current events. I like that most of the books I made are small and intimate. Some are wee things can be secreted away in a shirt pocket.

I integrate several of the same techniques and materials I used in previous work. The connection to past work, makes the book format comfortable while I am learning new techniques and processes.

Read–Ray Bradbury

The Ray Bradbury quote used in the piece is–You don’t have to burn books to destroy culture. Just get people to stop reading them.

This is the first piece that I used a binary code. Since I planned to use burnt matches for the code, binary was a good fit. The book was completed in September.

Bradbury Read

Binary Code–Read
Bradbury Read

You Don’t Have To
Bradbury Read

Bradbury Read

Bradbury Read

Burn Books To
Bradbury Read

Destroy Culture. Just
Bradbury Read

Bradbury Read

Get People To Stop
Bradbury Read

Reading Them.
Bradbury Read

Notes on Work
Bradbury Read

Bradbury Read

There is a square knot between each page.
Bradbury Read
Bradbury Read

Materials–Burnt Matches, Cardboard, Packing Envelope, Paper, Fiber, Metal bits, Gaffer Tape, PVA, Adhesive, Ink, Sealant.

Scale_11.5″ x 9.75″ x 2.5″


Accept as true nothing which you do not clearly know to be so. Avoid hasty judgment and prejudice.

Eleanor Roosevelt book quoting Descarte.

Descarte Quote

The left margin has the code for the word, truth.
Descarte Quote Detail

I have had a difficult time documenting this piece. I hung it in several locations and no matter what, the images do not clearly show the piece.

Materials–Packing envelope, fiber, paper, wood glue.

Scale–38″ x 14″ x .25″

Book–No Regrets

Cover Code–”No” on the left side, “Regrets” on the right side.

Stitched a small magnet into each corner for the wrap around closure.

Book Closed

Book Open

Code on Interior Pages–Don’t let the past take your future.
The quote is from the Joe Coomer book, Beachcombing for a Shipwrecked God. It is one of my favorite books. He also wrote Pocketful of Names, and One Vacant Chair. All have an interesting female character who also happens to be an artist.

Book Open

A single letter is embroidered on each page.
The code for each letter and punctuation is embroidered in grey on cream packing paper with a rust patina and mounted on brown packing paper.

Code is the Letter F
Code for the letter f

Code is a Period
Code for the period

The spacers are embroidered in cream on brown packing paper with a rust patina and mounted on cream packing paper.

A Spacer

Green painters’ paper separates each word and lines the book.

Book From Above

The pocket near the last page contains a note about the work.

Pocket for Notes

The scale is roughly 3.25″ x 4″ x 3.25″.
Materials–Paper, fiber, tree wrap, metal, CMC, PVA, magnets.

The paper used had metal bits placed on and or pierced through the surface. A sodium solution was applied to encourage rust and salt crystals on the surface. A solution of CMC was applied to each page to protect the surfaces.

A few Details–
Detail 1

Detail 2

Detail 3

Detail 4

Detail 5

Dad 10 Year Anniversary Book

Tomorrow will be the 10th anniversary of the death of my dad.
Currently researching how to make art in the book format. Thought I would try a few things and also make a little piece to celebrate my dad.

The code is based on Morse/Celtic Tree Code.

Code is Dad
Book Cover
Code is Date of Birth and Death
Ten Years
Ten Years

Materials–Paper, paste paper, cloves, fiber, roofing felt, knife (found in Dad’s things).
4.75″ x 3″ x 1.25″

Paste paper–Recipe based on Penland video–

Paste-Paper Painting

Senecio articulatus, Botanical Illustration, Photos, Books

My Senecio articulatus looks elongated. During the day it sits on a window ledge. Why elongated? Could this be normal growth?

Senecio articulatus

This morning I googled Senecio articulatus. Most of the images did not look like my plant, but an interesting and very cool thing happened. I found a link to a botanical illustration site. One Senecio articulatus illustration was dated 1781. Gives me pause to think my plant could be connected to the plant in the illustration.

I spent some time looking at several illustrations. The images are so beautiful.

Senecio articulatus at

Links and Photos

The Online Books Page–Botany

Great day for finding loads to view and read!

Work in Progress–Thoughts

2020 Goal

Complete all work in progress.

Completed stitching together Thoughts piece. Today I will be adding cream wool stitching around entire piece.


Read a couple of weaving books over the holidays and liked the idea of warp threads used to hang woven pieces.

Planning to twine jute twine vertically through the hardware cloth. Yes, I meant to use the word twine twice. Currently thinking attaching the jute warp threads to a thin metal rod. I like the visual of a couple of nail heads holding the lot on the wall.



Also will add a piece of jute-wrapped rope for the border. Should help to integrate the materials and nicely finish the piece.

This is the border on See a Penny.

Border See a Penny

Previous Posts on Thoughts Piece

Thoughts in Progress, Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

Thoughts in Progress, Thursday, May 16th, 2019

More wallpieces to complete.

Work in Progress

Also have a stash of small 3-D work in progress that needs to be realized.

Weaving on a Little Loom by Fiona Daly

Weaving Within Reach by Anne Weil

In the post I use the words twine and twice. The words look similar. Not just because they start and finish with the same letters, but because the figure-ground is nearly identical. I authored a CD, Appearances can be Deceiving that focuses on figure-ground relationships in a variety of customizable settings.
The CD is available for purchase through Learning Fundamentals.

Who Is Left to Connect Me to My Earlier Life?

The quote is from Firewall, part of the Wallander series written by Henning Mankell.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of my mother’s ischemic stroke. An event that changed everything.

Last year was a challenging year. My younger sister survived her third surgery for oral cancer, but while in recovery had an ischemic stroke. She did not survive.

Two months later my mother had an ischemic stroke. For a few weeks the prognosis was positive-negative, hopeful-no hope. Before summer I lost the two most important women in my life. The women who knew me when I was a child. We grew and changed together.

I am working on a memorial series. Typically I my series have 11 pieces. Several pieces are in progress but not quite completed. Partly the delay in completing work is the result of recovering from hand surgery. Still do not have my fine motor skill and manual dexterity in my dominant hand.

I using fiber to embroider on hardware cloth for my code blocks. Holding a needle for extended periods of time still causes hand and finger pain. Needed to figure out alternative ways for making things. Since I can loom knit, decided to give that a go. This will also be the first piece in a long time that does not have hardware cloth. It is a good thing to break a dependence on a material.

Who is Left…, will still have a metal component. The plan is to use safety pins to assemble the blocks. The safety pins will also add the possibility of green patina running down the piece.

There are three colors of wool blocks: 41 tan for dashes, 51 dark brown for dots, and 52 cream for spacers. The 144 blocks will be laid out on a 9 x 16 grid.


Knit Pattern–Dash 41 Tan Wool Blocks

Cast On E-wrap
Knit E-wrap

R1 Skip, K5, Flat Knit
R2 Skip, K, S, K, S, K, Flat Knit
R3 Skip, K5, Flat Knit
R4 Skip, S, K, S, K, S, Flat Knit

Pattern rolls.

Knit Pattern–Dot 51 Dark Brown Wool Blocks

Cast On E-wrap
Knit E-wrap

R1 Skip, K, P, K, P, K, Flat Knit
R2 Skip, P, K, P, K, K, Flat Knit
R3 Skip, P, K, P, K, K, Flat Knit
R4 Skip, K, P, K, P, K, Flat Knit

Knit Pattern–Spacers 52 Cream Wool Blocks

Cast On E-wrap
Knit E-wrap
Only Knit Purl Stitches
R1 Skip, K, P, K, P, K, Flat Knit
R2 Skip, P, K, P, K, K, Flat Knit
R3 Skip, K, P, K, P, K, Flat Knit
R4 Skip, P, K, P, K, K, Flat Knit


Knitted Swatches with Cotton Cord Separating Blocks After First Fulling


Blocks for Code


The scraps are random sizes, might be fun to stitch together to make letters in a different code piece.
Been thinking about learning to use my mother’s sewing machine.


The blocks were fulled, not felted. Loops for pegs still visible.

Safety Pins
I ordered two types of bronze 3/4″ safety pins from amazon:

Household Mall 3/4-Inch Safety Pins, Bronze (1440 Pieces)

Firefly Bronze Metal Gourd Pin (1000 Pieces)

Received the Household Bronze pins. They are beautiful!

Safety Pins

Safety Pin Detail

Waiting to assemble the piece until I see the Bronze Gourd Pins.

10 April They Arrived…

Gourd Pin

Gourd Pin

The extra space in the curve of the pin might work better with the thickness of the wool blocks.

The safety pins would be lovely for use in the i-cord bowl series I am planning to make. The title is Collected Memories. Got the idea when going through my parents’ collections found in random drawers.

A few years ago I dinked around with the idea of i-cord bowls. Wasn’t the time to develop the work. Maybe I was waiting for bronze safety pins.

Brown Bowl with Safety Pins

Cream Bowl with Safety Pins

According to the email I received from amazon, I may not receive the gourd safety pins until April 12th. So, I patiently wait for the order to arrive.

Anni Albers on Weaving Text

I was looking for the text, Anni Albers on Weaving at, but it wasn’t available on that site.

I googled the title and followed a link to Monoskop. Information from their About page, “Monoskop is a wiki for collaborative studies of the arts, media and humanities.”

I found loads of interesting information and a pdf of Anni Albers on Weaving text. It is not the expanded edition that is currently available for purchase online.

I searched for Anni Albers on the Monoskop site and found a link to a 1968 oral history interview. Followed the link to Smithsonian Archives of American Art.

Image of the text from the The Josef & Anni Albers Foundation site.

Anni Albers on Weaving Text Image

Added the Anni Albers on Weaving Expanded Edition to my Amazon wishlist.

Funny How Connections Happen

When I visited my family in SC, I spent time wandering around and taking photos of plants, interesting textures, possible art making materials and processes, and things that struck me as odd.


As soon as I saw the moss growing on the grate inside a free standing wood burning fireplace, Don McLean’s American Pie started looping through my mind. Especially the line: moss growing fat on a rolling stone.

And while writing this post, again the song is swirling though my mind.

Not being a sit around a fire person, I had to google the proper term for the fireplace. It is a chimenea. According to Wikipedia this is the definition for chimenea.

A chimenea /tʃɪmɪˈneɪ.ə/, also spelled chiminea (from Spanish: chimenea means chimney), is a freestanding front-loading fireplace or oven with a bulbous body and usually a vertical smoke vent or chimney.

So, a wood burning chimney. Odd that moss found its way to growing inside the chimenea. It is sitting on a concrete patio in daily full sun. The chimenea must offer enough shade and protection to prevent the death of the moss.


Sad that the moss will be destroyed the next time the chimenea is lit.

Don McLean’s American Pie was popular when I was in high school. So much so, my high school English teacher thought it would be cool to decipher its lyrics. The result, even today I remember the bulk of the lyrics for the 8 minute 36 second song.

More connections–I remember my best friend from high school who died suddenly five years ago. Not in a plane crash, but he was the director of my hometown airport. Connections of all sorts can be found when you least expect it. Certainly wasn’t thinking about him when I started this post, but it would have been something I would have shared with him. He would have understood my moss/song connection. We would have talked about the song. When we first heard it. And other reminiscing.

Thinking about my friend, reminded me of a Henning Mankell quote from one of his Kurt Wallander books, Firewall.

Who was left who connected him to his earlier life?

Washington Post article about American Pie written by Justin Wm. Moyer.