Month: May 2020
Three Salvia and a Volunteer Bean Plant
Garden 20200527
Pandorea, First Blooms Plants Started From Harvested Seed
Senecio radicans
Cracked Agave
Anniversary Piece
Every year I make an anniversary piece. This was my second and better idea.
Hanger–Code for Anniversary Date
Left side is 05271983, Right side 05272020
Block Used for Dots
Block Used for Dashes
Code Used
The first row of 3 dots and 2 dashes represents the number 3.
The second row of 2 dashes and 3 dots represents the number 7.
Yep, 37 years.
Materials List
Roofing Felt, Tree Wrap (back of piece), Hardware Cloth, Wool, Gourd Pins.
Another Shadow
Anniversary Idea Sketch
Dashes are in cream yarn.
Dots are in brown yarn.
Spacers are in tan yarn.
Cool Cast Shadow
A Few In Flower Today
Rat, Orange Mold, and Lichen Glaze with Lichens
Yesterday I found a 3′ long gopher snake in my garden. It was wrapped around the hose reel. Nearly stepped on it. Totally creeped me out.
Today I found a roof rat in my bird feeder.
When I was in the process of baiting our live traps, I found an orange with a lovely distribution of mold.
Why do we have so much wildlife in our gardens? Drought conditions and gardens that are great habitats for loads of critters.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t successful trapping the rat today, maybe tomorrow.
This morning I asked my husband to open and set the trap. When he opened the trap, the rat ran out. Apparently last night when I asked if he closed the trap, and he said yes, he was talking about something else.
The rat ate all of the bait–a nice chunk or juicy orange and a saltine smeared with peanut butter topped with seeds.
Has the rat learned its lesson to avoid the trap? Maybe not. The trap was moved and more tasty treats were placed inside.