New Plants and Seeds Purchased the Last Day of 2021


Early 2021 I purchased milkweed seed and planted them in flats and directly in the gardens. Only a single plant survived. Well, this is it today. Not sure how much longer it will survive.

Milkweed Plant

The tropical Milkweed, that is not recommended for Monarchs, doesn’t seem to die back.

Tropical Milkweed Plants

Tropical Milkweed Plants

Volunteer plants have occurred.

Tropical Milkweed Volunteer

The annoying thing is that I planted the proper milkweed seed in the exact locations and not a single sprout.

Milkweed Seeds

When I planted the seed, I unfortunately found two Monarch caterpillars. They should have gone through the chrysalis cycle and been on their journey to someplace warmer.

Monarch Caterpillar

Monarch Caterpillar

Concerned about them. The night temperature has been in the low 40s. I have tried caring for caterpillars in the past with no success. I hate leaving them on their own, but right now I am waiting to see what happens.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana


Tillandsias Pretty Boy
Tillandsias pretty boy

Removed the wire hanger and constructed a hanger of linen.
Tillandsias pretty boy

Tillandsias pretty boy

Tillandsias pretty boy flowers

Tillandsias Houston Colossus

Tillandsias Houston Colossus

Made a wee linen basket for this plant.

Tillandsias Houston Colossus

Tillandsias hanging from shelf

They frame my laptop, how cool is that?!


The Gloxinia nearly died. I took a few cuttings hoping to save the plant.

One of the cuttings today–

Gloxinia Plantlet

This is the parent plant–

Gloxinia Parent

It should be receiving proper light in its normal location.
Apparently not, because it is leggy. But not dead.