Thinking of You Greeting

My niece is in an PhD/MD program. She is now a PhD doctor and recently started her medical rotations. Since she will have no time for gardening or much of anything other than work. I made her a little greeting with a few dried plants from my gardens.

Interesting that I did not use any code. Good thing?

The monoprints are peculiar in that they are not my typical palette. Well, when I was working in clay I used some lead glazes that resulted in gorgeous orange surfaces.

I used a sealant on the pages that was to have been matte. The shiny surfaces made it complicated to take photos. I repeatedly took them, over and over and over. Need to mail the card today. Time to stop.

These were taken on a piece of cork, near a north east window, with diffused light.

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card

Alex Card