Thought I could persuade Bob to sit on the edge of the basketful of bunnies. It was a foolish notion.
Month: March 2018
Elliot and Random Quote
My husband set up his website to randomly pair photos with quotes.
Sometimes interesting pairings occur.
Elliot loves to shred fabric.
We have a concrete tube on the sofa hoping she will shred it instead of the sofa.
Found yesterday–
But notice the shredded paper, right side of the photo. So, sort of works.
Keyboard Malfunction and Solution
I have a MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2016). Since I took it out of the box I have had a difficult time using the keyboard, especially the spacebar.
Thisis anexample of what happens whenItypeon this keyboard.
A couple of weeks ago it was so bad that I scheduled an appointment at the Apple store. The Genius rep cleaned my keyboard and asked me to type something to see if the cleaning solved the problem. It didn’t. The charge to repair the keyboard is $475. We discussed using a bluetooth keyboard, a new one would be approximately $60.
The Genius rep explained that many people did not adjust to the new keyboard design. I used and still use my 2009 MacBook.
A few nights ago I noticed that when I hit the keyboard exactly where the tape is, the spacebar worked. So, approximately .5″ of the 3.75″ of the spacebar works.
Spring Planting and Folded Paper Pots for Seed Starting
I recently read through all of the seed planting recommendations for plants that I plan to add to my gardens.
Most of the seed will be planted in Plantel Plant Trays from Peaceful Valley Farm Supply.
It is recommended that some of the seed be planted in biodegradable pots, to prevent disturbing the roots of the seedlings.
Rather than purchasing peat or coconut fiber pots, I decided to use the Yellow Pages that have been piling up in my studio. Does anyone actually use printed paper phone books?
I viewed several, how to fold paper pot tutorials. DIY: Newspaper Pots for Seed Starting/Cuttings on Youtube is the best tutorial I found. The instructions are clear and easy peasy. Before beginning to fold a sheet from the Yellow Pages, I removed a strip from the side to alter the proportions.
The pages were torn to 4.25″ x 8.5″
The strips will saved for use when working in clay.
The finished folded pot is 1″x1″x1″.
Whenever I learn a new skill or technique, I always think about how it can be used in the studio.
I have made loads of boxes in the past, but rarely a square. This is a square box, roughly 3.5″, that I never quite completed. It is tree wrap with some dried plant bits and twine.
49 Paper Pots Ready to Use
Pleasant Surprise
Several years ago I purchased a Solandra maxima from a fellow at the Saturday Farmers’ Market.
April 4, 2013 Bloom
It became a 12 foot long plant on a trellis. Numerous cuttings were taken to make more plants that are growing in a numerous locations in my gardens and gardens of friends.
Last year after the annual bloom, the plant lost all of its leaves. I meant to remove it, but just couldn’t find the time.
This evening I was photographing the Brugmansia growing in front of the Solandra maxima.
To my surprise I found that the Solandra maxima is leafing out.
Don’t know why it was without leaves for nearly a year, but I am glad I didn’t remove the plant. Maybe it will even bloom this year.
After the Rain
Iron Bunny with New Aloe
New Cactus
Dead or Alive?
Bunny Memorial Patina 5 February 2018
Bunny Memorial Patina Today
New Plants for Succulent Gardens
I have been looking at the little iron bunny in one of my succulent gardens. It seems to disappear into the soil. Had thought that laying a bed of flat grey rocks for it to sit on. Today when I was visiting the neighborhood nursery, I saw this plant.
I have a rule when purchasing plants. They must be planted the day they are purchased.
Today was unusual because it was and still is raining. Rainfall on the CA Central Coast is a bit of an odd occurrence.
I slipped on my seldom used raincoat, pulled the plants out of the pot…
Eight aloe and a cactus.
…and popped them in the garden.
Placed one directly in front of the little iron bunny with two more plants in an imperfect triangle.
Three aloe in a previously open space in the garden.
Two small aloe juxtaposed with some plantlets in the making, all near the memorial bunny.
The volunteer cactus could use a dusting.
Tomorrow when it is no longer raining, I will remove the soil from its spines.