Monarch Caterpillar Eating Milkweed Pod
September 23, 2017

Milkweed Pod
September 29, 2017
Monarch Caterpillar Eating Milkweed Pod
September 23, 2017
Milkweed Pod
September 29, 2017
Chrysalis, Windy Morning September 29, 2017
Even though the image is not in focus, it is interesting to see the chrysalis from a different perspective.
Chrysalis, Another Windy Morning September 30, 2017
Chrysalis, Monday Morning October 9, 2017, and Unfortunately Spider Mites
More Monarch Caterpillars
Today I located the missing Monarch caterpillar. It is attached to one of my Brugmansia and is in the process of changing.
Four Hours Later–
The Monarch caterpillar traveled from the milkweed
(blue arrow pointing to it) to the Brugmansia in the pot (yellow arrow).
The Next Day, September 27, 2017
Chrysalis September 28, 2017
Volunteer Datura August 25, 2017
Volunteer Datura August 25, 2017
Volunteer Datura August 28, 2017
Volunteer Datura September 4, 2017
Volunteer Datura September 10, 2017
Volunteer Datura Pods September 24, 2017
Volunteer Datura Pod Detail
September 24, 2017
Volunteer Datura After Pod Removal
September 24, 2017
Volunteer Hibiscus with Ants
Volunteer Sunflower with Ants
Volunteer Datura with Ants
Last night I took a look at the book, Making Books That Fly, Fold, Wrap, Hide, Pop Up, Twist, and Turn. I bought it several years back when the nieces and nephews were young.
There was a single dog-eared page with the header, A 3300-Year-Old Time Capsule. According to the text, in the 1980s George Bass and a team of archeologists excavated the site of the Uluburun ship wreck off the coast of Turkey. The 3300 time capsule was a diptych.
Curious, so I googled George Bass and Uluburun ship wreck. I found additional, more complete information on the diptych in a Johns Hopkins Magazine article from 1997.
Sifting through mud that had filled a huge storage vessel, Cemal Pulak, then one of George Bass’ grad students, found fragments of wood and pieces of ivory. He pieced them together and discovered that they formed a diptych, a sort of ancient writing tablet that consisted of two wooden leaves hinged together with ivory. The leaves would have been coated with beeswax that then could be inscribed with a stylus. No one had ever before found a diptych so old.
After reading about the diptych, I then searched online for an image. This image was found on a page associated with Dr. Deborah Carlson and Jose Luis Casaban’s Introduction to Nautical Archaeology at Texas A & M University.
Not keen of the ivory bits, but liked the idea of scratching through a surface. It is a lovely piece.
I did not continue the search to find the method used to assemble the pieces, but would have been amazing to do something similar to the staples used in some restoration.
This is an image from Past Imperfect
Past Imperfect has images of beautifully repaired objects. I am particularly fond of the glass and ceramic pieces that have been creatively repaired with the addition of a metal component.
When I made this piece as part of myTools for Rent (bronze dagger) series, I wanted to use the piece of wood for the front panel, but it was cracked. I drilled holes and wired the panel together.
The majority of my work is meant to appear to be artifact, to have had a previous life. After seeing the image of the diptych it occurred to me that in the future, I just might want to “age” the objects that I make to near the point of destruction. Then reassemble them.
Cemal Pulak, Associate Professor
Frederick R. Mayer Faculty Professor of Nautical Archaeology
George F. Bass, Professor Emeritus
Texas A&M University
Gwen Diehn, author
Making Books That Fly, Fold, Wrap, Hide, Pop Up, Twist & Turn: Books for Kids to Make
Caterpillar Found on Counter
From Fresh Corn
Caterpillar Found on Counter
Flip Side
Monarch Caterpillars
Monarch Caterpillar Spent a Day
in the Same Location
Monarch Caterpillar Active Again
Monarch Caterpillars This Morning 9/20/17
September 24, 2017
Milkweed Eaten by Monarch
The Monarch That Ate My Milkweed Pod
September 25, 2017
This morning the Monarch caterpillar was no where to be found. Perhaps it was time for it to begin the next phase of its cycle. I would prefer to believe that the Monarch caterpillar relocated than to think its absence is because of a predator.
It is odd that the smaller Monarch caterpillar disappeared as well. Maybe it will surface tomorrow.
Trapped Cactus Before Cuttings
Trapped Cactus with Cuttings
Trapped Cactus Cuttings…
to Make More Plants
Datura Flower with Ants
Datura Volunteer in Succulent Garden
Sunflower Volunteer in Succulent Garden