Friendship is a Sheltering Tree

Sheltering Tree

Made a code combining Morse and Clock. Short lines are used for dots and long lines for dashes. The code is–
Friendship is a sheltering tree. It is a Samuel Taylor Coleridge quote.

Plant materials are from my gardens. California Live Oaks have sharp and prickly leaves. The needles are from, I think it is the White Pine. They are also a bit prickly.

Materials–Plant material, paper, safety pins, fiber, PVA.
Scale–21.5” x 18.5” x .5”

Book–Best Time to Plant a Tree

Quote Used–The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago.
The second best time is now.

The band is made of tree wrap, stamped with metallic silver paint. A magnet is bound into each end.

Plant a Tree

The numbers are code for the word–Plant.
Plant a Tree

Bound together two bits from a Brachychiton, one from a Japanese Maple, and one from a Canary Island Pine.
Plant a Tree

Japanese Maple Leaf
All leaves have a protective piece of tissue paper.

Plant a Tree

The Best Time
Plant a Tree

Brachychiton Leaf
Plant a Tree

To Plant
Plant a Tree

Canary Island Pine
Plant a Tree

A Tree Is
Plant a Tree

Japanese Maple
Plant a Tree

Twenty Years
Plant a Tree

Brachychiton Leaf
Plant a Tree

Plant a Tree

Canary Island Pine
Plant a Tree

The Second
Plant a Tree

Japanese Maple
Plant a Tree

Best Time
Plant a Tree

Brachychiton Leaf
Plant a Tree

Is Now
Plant a Tree

Canary Island Pine
Plant a Tree

Code for a Period
Plant a Tree

Envelope for Notes
Plant a Tree

Materials–Monoprints, paper, tissue, tree wrap, fiber, plant bits.

Scale–7.5″ x 6.25″ x 2.5″

Book–Hope for Growth

Bound with a knitted I-cord and a large pine scale.
Hope Growth

Hope Growth

Bound Book from Above
Hope Growth

Cover is a recycled packing envelope.
Hope Growth

Hope Growth

Hope Growth

Code is Hope for Growth
Hope Growth

Each page with bound pine seeds has a piece of tissue for a bit of protection.
Hope Growth

The majority of the stitchwork is done in red fiber.
Hope Growth

Code is Hope
Hope Growth

Hope Growth

Hope Growth

Code is Hope in tree code based on Morse code.

Hope Growth

Hope Growth

Hope in Masonic cipher
Hope Growth

Hope Growth

Hope Line code based on Morse code.
Hope Growth

Hope Growth

For Growth in Tree code.
Hope Growth

Matchbook packet for notes on work.
Hope Growth

Pine Cone from One of the Trees in My Garden

Hope Growth

Hope Growth

Hope Growth

Hope Growth

Materials–Paper, fiber, pine bits.
Scale–Bound 5.5″ x 4.75″ x 1.25″

Oak Forest Axe Book

Quote Used–The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because its handle was wood it was one of them.

When I realized the pages would become a thick book,
Forest Axe Pages

I debated about whether it should be a book or a wallpiece. This would have been the layout if I had decided to make a wallpiece.
Forest Axe Layout

The first sentence is constructed with green paper; the second sentence with kraft paper.

Because the project was always intended to be a book, I decided to emphasize the thickness by adding twigs for the binding. A twig was bound to each page (two pages back to back).

Forest Axe Book

The binding references a stack of logs.
Forest Axe Book

Originally, this was to be the last page. The code is a period, the end. It is appropriately juxtaposed with the acorn, the hopefulness of a new beginning.

Forest Axe Book

Forest Axe Book

Knitted Binding for the Acorn
Forest Axe Book

Words throughout the book are separated by oak twigs.

The Forest
Forest Axe Book

Left Page–Was; Right Page–Shrinking
Forest Axe Book

Left Page–But; Right Page–The Trees
Forest Axe Book

Left Page–Kept; Right Page–Voting
Forest Axe Book

Left Page–For The Axe; Right Page–.
Forest Axe Book

Left Page–For The Axe; Right Page–Was Clever
Forest Axe Book

Open and Flat on Tabletop
Forest Axe Book

Left Page–And; Right Page–Convinced
Forest Axe Book

Left Page–The Trees; Right Page–That
Forest Axe Book

Left Page–Because; Right Page–Its Handle
Forest Axe Book

Left Page–Was Wood; Right Page–It Was One
Forest Axe Book

Left Page–Of Them; Right Page–Note Envelope

Forest Axe Book

Forest Axe Book

Materials-paper, tree wrap, roofing felt, oak twigs, oak leaves, an acorn, fiber, and PVA.

8.5″ X 6.5″ X 8.5″ when bound
8.5″ x 6″ x 6.75″

Forest/Axe Work in Progress

I recently ran across a quote that definitely seems relavent today.

The quote is–The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because its handle was wood it was one of them.

I first thought about making a wallpiece using code with oak leaves and twigs. Just the code portion would have been 45″ x 16″, the addition of a border and frame would have made it more of a commitment of materials and time. Instead, I decided to use a book format.

The layout for the code in book format resulted in 21 pages. Each page is a folded sheet of drawing paper with a core support of a paper-covered piece of cardstock. Felt that the addition of twigs needed some extra support.

The first sentence I used tree wrap for the code with a green paper covered piece of cardstock. The second sentence I used roofing felt for the code and brown packing paper covered cardstock.

Forest Axe Pages

We have Coastal Live Oaks in our garden, but I dislike their leaves. They not only prick your skin, they embed and attach to it. I chose to use oak leaves that I purchased from Natures Pressed, an Etsy shop. I used the leaves in several projects; still have a good number left.

Currently the pages are roughly 7″ x 5″ and vary in thickness depending on whether there are twigs attached.

I unfolded the pages and applied CMC. The pages were left to dry overnight.

First Sentence

Forest Axe Page 1

The Forest

Forest Axe Page 2


Forest Axe Page 3


Forest Axe Page 4


Forest Axe Page 5

The Trees

Forest Axe Page 6


Forest Axe Page 7


Forest Axe Page 8

For The Axe

Forest Axe Page 9


Second Sentence

Forest Axe Page 10

For The Axe

Forest Axe Page 11

Was Clever

Forest Axe Page 12


Forest Axe Page 13


Forest Axe Page 14

The Trees

Forest Axe Page 15


Forest Axe Page 16


Forest Axe Page 17

Its Handle

Forest Axe Page 18

Was Wood

Forest Axe Page 19

It Was One

Forest Axe Page 20

Of Them

Forest Axe Page 21


Today I used double sided tape, a mix of CMC and PVA to attached the paper covered cardstock inside the pages. The damp of the glue was not a good choice. The last nine pages I switched to using UHU glue. I wrapped each page in wax paper, placed in stacks of three, and placed inside a padded packing envelope. Then weighted with a heavy book.

I am leaning toward an accordion binding with each fold have three pages.

Pages Weighted
Pages Weighted

Forest Axe Brown Pages

Forest Axe Green Pages

Forest Axe Pages

Nearly Completed–Old Men Plant Trees Book

Oak Leaf Book

Oak Leaf Book

Oak Leaf Book

Oak Leaf Book

Oak Leaf Book

Oak Leaf Book

Oak Leaf Book

Oak Leaf Book

Oak Leaf Book

Oak Leaf Book

Oak Leaf Book

Oak Leaf Book

Oak Leaf Book

Oak Leaf Book
2022 May 15
Combed the back side of the coco blanket liner for easier removal of the book. Also applied PVA to the interior to secure the blanket in place. It was staying in with friction, but PVA will prevent the blanket from pulling out when removing the book.

Added to the fiber to cover a paper bowl (paper left over from another piece). After the bowl dries, I plan to do some stitchwork and code.

Coco Fiber and Paper Bowl

2022 May 16
Application of wax to seal the cardboard, soften the feel of the material, and to add some age. Once set, I will give the wax a buff.

The wax is soft, easy to apply, and does not have a harsh odor. It mixes nicely with a variety of materials.


Wax applied to the book covers.

Waxed Book Covers

2022 May 17
The application of wax gives the cover a softer feel.

Waxed Book Covers

Waxed Book Covers

Box–15cm x 10.5cm x 9.5cm
Book Closed–4cm x 11.5cm x 7cm
Book Open–129.5cm

Materials–tree wrap, glassine envelopes, oak leaves, linen thread, coco fiber, found wooden box, wax, PVA, prints, recycled paper and cardboard.

A Nature Gift

In mid December I checked out the green waste bin looking for potential art materials. Saw a sweet little oak cutting. I snagged it.

Looked like a wee stump with a few twigs. Thought that it might be fun to use in a piece. Popped it in some water hoping it would prevent it from drying out before I had an opportunity to look at it closer. It has been growing new leaves, no roots. Pretty sure this is not a tree that can be propagated in water.

Oak Cutting

Last week I moved it upstairs. I thought it would get better light during the day.

Oak Cutting

I totally forgot to water the little oak one day. It requires loads of water.
Unfortunately, it’s started to lose leaves and some of the twig-like branches died.

I pruned the dried dead bits.

Oak Cutting

I think the green section may survive. How, not sure.

This leaf gave me pause.

Oak Cutting

Nature offers amazingly beautiful gifts!

Snagged my Attention

Beautiful find when I exited the hospital. I had just completed a pulmonary function test. Feeling a bit high from the albuterol, so I decided to wander around in the parking lot a bit.

The shape is nice.

The bark is an amazing beautiful green.

The flowers are cheerful.

When I did a google image search, I hit on Cercidium-Parkinsonia. The images do appear similar. May or may not be the correct identification.

Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute at Cal Poly

This is on my list of nurseries to visit.
Las Pilitas Nursery (Native Plants)