Category: Miscellaneous
What Is It?
What is it?
Blowing up balloons is part of therapy for my lungs. Found the balloon in a corner of the studio.
Agave and an Oak Leaf
The edges of both plants have sharp and pointy bits.
Boiled Dry Pan
Anniversary Piece
Every year I make an anniversary piece. This was my second and better idea.
Hanger–Code for Anniversary Date
Left side is 05271983, Right side 05272020
Block Used for Dots
Block Used for Dashes
Code Used
The first row of 3 dots and 2 dashes represents the number 3.
The second row of 2 dashes and 3 dots represents the number 7.
Yep, 37 years.
Materials List
Roofing Felt, Tree Wrap (back of piece), Hardware Cloth, Wool, Gourd Pins.
Another Shadow
Anniversary Idea Sketch
Dashes are in cream yarn.
Dots are in brown yarn.
Spacers are in tan yarn.
Cool Cast Shadow
Christmas Trees in October?
Popped in Home Depot this afternoon and found this display of Christmas Trees.
Why now? Haven’t yet handed out candy to costumed kids trick or treating.