
Monarch Butterfly Emerged

2020 July 2, 5:13 PM


2020 July 3, 5:13 PM

2020 July 3, 9:41 PM, Flashlight Used

2020 July 4, 7:55 AM


2020 July 4, 8:59 AM



2020 July 4, 9:31 AM Totally Missed the Monarch Emerge

I documented the chrysalis every hour 20200702 and every 30 minutes on 20200703.


2020 July 4, 9:36 AM


Some Detail



2020 July 4, 11:51 AM


2020 July 4, 11:52 AM Flew Away


Monarch visitor flew into my garden while I was watching the Monarch that emerged from its chrysalis.

It flew around the garden, then spent 45 minutes in the oak tree.

Photo taken at 10:15 AM


Hope the two Monarchs find each other and continue on their journey together.

2020 June 27

Found on Cut Dianthus in Kitchen


It is not uncommon to find ladybugs on greens purchased at the Farmers’ Market; sometimes several days after being refrigerated.

Unearthed Sansevieria 2019 August 28

2020 June 27


Lovely Pale Yellow Dianthus

Dianthus Pale Yellow

Was in a six pack of white dianthus.

Some Type of Origanium


I have two plants, the other one has hairy foliage.

Succulent Gift From My Mother


Purchased from the grocery store during one of our many shopping trips.

Found in the Orchard




This type of plant generally has a blue flower. Should know for sure, soon.

Monarch Chrysalis

Planned to move the plant rack from the deck to a space in the courtyard for potted succulents. I removed all of the plants.
Plant Rack Chrysalis

When I flipped the rack over to brush off all leaves and debris I found a Monarch Chrysalis.

Monarch Chrysalis

Apparently, one of the eight Monarch caterpillars made it through to the chrysalis stage.

Monarch Chrysalis

Didn’t finish cleaning the plant rack. Didn’t want to disturb the chrysalis. Also, left the plant rack empty to prevent giving the chrysalis a shower while watering plants.

Nature controls gardening. Gardening teaches patience.

Lichen Growth on Sculpture and Mold on an Orange

The sculpture was made while an undergrad at Ohio State University in the 80s. Unfortunately, the top rim of the smaller piece was chipped during a move. The pieces were designed to be placed in different positions while still having a dialogue. They were fired multiple times using lithium and lead glazes.

Sculpture on Deck

Grey Lichen

Grey and Orange Lichens

Orange Lichen

Red Lead Glaze and Orange Lichen

Lady Bug on Lithium Blue Glaze

Naturally Occurring Blue-Green Found on Orange
Orange Mold

Orange Mold

Orange Mold

My choice of glaze surfaces occurred before my interest in mold and lichen growth.

Scarlet Runner Bean Flower with Salvia Flower

Salvia and Bean Flowers

Salvia and Scarlet Runner Bean Flower

The scarlet bean plants are volunteers. They are from beans that I grew last session. Last year some neighborhood kids sold us seeds for 25 cents each. The kids went into detail about how easy the beans were to grow, red color of the flowers (scarlet), and how to prepare the beans.

The bean flower has already been partially eaten by a spotted cucumber beetle. They are those pretty little insects that look a bit like elongated green lady bugs.

Spotted Cucumber Beetle

I have chosen not to use systemic in most of my garden spaces because I want my gardens to be an inviting environment for butterflies and hummingbirds.
