Borage and Damage

6/20/21 Folded Small Paper Pots for Planting Seed
Planted a single seed in each paper pot.

50 Borage
10 Black Barlow
5 Nigella

Placed the lot in a plastic pizza container. Covered with Cling Wrap

Borage Planting Notes

Borage Planting Notes

6/25/21 Removed the cling wrap, there were over 25 sprouts.

Borage Planting Flat

Potted them up because the roots from one seedling were growing into the neighbor paper pots.

Borage Planting Flat

6/29/21 Transplanted Some of the Seedlings in the Garden.
Potted up the rest. Finished at nearly noon.

Potted Borage

This is What I found at 3:30

Potted Borage Damage

Potted Borage Damage

Potted Borage Damage

Potted Borage Damage

Potted Borage Damage

6/30/21 What I Found on the Deck Today
The 3 Potted Borage Seedlings I Placed on the Deck

Potted Borage Damage

Potted Borage Damage

Even a succulent start was ripped from its pot.

Succulent Damage

Who is responsible for the damage? Pretty sure it was a California Towhee family.

Audubon–California Towhee

This has been a frustrating year for gardening. My flats have been ripped up, several plants in the greenhouse were shredded. Wildflower and Datura seedlings vanished from the garden.

Fragrant Flowers of Senecio radicans


Hoped Senecio radicans would work as a ground cover. Hasn’t disappointed.
It is growing all over the garden.



The Senecio radicans growing on the ground were from potted plants on a ledge.

Yeah, the oak leaves are still a problem.

Senecio radicans with Senecio jacobsenii
The bamboo stake is where a Datura seedling was planted. The morning after I planted it, all of the leaves had been eaten. I trimmed the plant with the hope it may continue to grow. They are fairly resilient.


Senecio jacobsenii with Ice Plant

Senecio jacobsenii with some type of ice plant. The start was snagged from my brother-in-law’s garden. It has been three years, first flowers this season. I like that the flowers become a bit pale pink before becoming spent.

Ice Plant

Ice Plant