A Possible Change

I am a mixed media artist and have a habit of gathering and keeping “things” because I might need them “sometime.” I tell myself that most of my “stuff” was accumulated as potential art materials. And eventually I do use a lot of the materials or offer them for use by other folks.

Recently I happened on Discardia and found some great advice on how to possibly clean up my life. For me starting small and working a bit at a time is much better than trying to do everything at once. The completion of small jobs will offer me a sense of accomplishment rather than failing to complete everything now. I plan to set a time limit to prevent becoming annoyed that the task is taking time from enjoyable activities.

My first task was to give away recently received gifts that I didn’t want or need. They are perfectly nice gifts for someone else. Check that one off of the list.

Then I read the post, Letting go of our back pages which addresses the issue of too many books. While I was attempting to be rid of some of my books that I had not manage to read for whatever reason, I found myself reading one. Now I am half way through and thinking that I might pick up the next book in the trilogy.

Maybe clearing out the computer books will be an easier task.


One thought on “A Possible Change”

  1. At last making time to enjoy a book so much you want to read the next one still sounds like a win to me. :)

    Glad you’re enjoying Discardia and finding it useful!

    Wish I could digitally hand your bunnies the green tops of this batch of carrots. I used to work in an office with someone who had house rabbits and it was always nice to be able to bring treats like that for hers.

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