
Senecio articulatus, Botanical Illustration, Photos, Books

My Senecio articulatus looks elongated. During the day it sits on a window ledge. Why elongated? Could this be normal growth?

Senecio articulatus

This morning I googled Senecio articulatus. Most of the images did not look like my plant, but an interesting and very cool thing happened. I found a link to a botanical illustration site. One Senecio articulatus illustration was dated 1781. Gives me pause to think my plant could be connected to the plant in the illustration.

I spent some time looking at several illustrations. The images are so beautiful.

Senecio articulatus at

Links and Photos

The Online Books Page–Botany

Great day for finding loads to view and read!

Interesting Plants Today

Albuca namaquensis

The first sprouts of my new Albuca.



Senecio articulatus

And the first leaves of my Senecio articulatus


Kalanchoe fang Cuttings with New Growth


Variegated Agave

Last week I cleaned up the insect infestation on the little agave. I left the plant sitting on the floor just inside the greenhouse. Today I found that someone had taken a bite.

Crazy, since I recently found out that I am allergic to agave. Still have a rash on my arm from contact. How is it possible that an animal could eat it?

Agave Variegated


2018 March–Brachychiton Pods Found in Home Depot Parking Lot

Brachychiton Pod

2018 April–Planted Brachychiton Seed

2020 October The Largest of the Trees

Brachychiton Tree


I went to Home Depot today to pick up a couple of bags of concrete. While there I stopped by the plant department to look around. As I walked through the department I saw these shockingly ugly succulents.

Painted Succulents

Painted Succulents

Painted Succulents

What possesses folks to do this to plants? Why would anyone want to buy them?
If folks want brightly colored plastic looking plants, they should buy plastic plants.

Succulents should be appreciated for their natural beauty.


Last night I noticed my Drimiopsis was looking a bit droopy. *I suspect I accidentally watered it.


Considering the normal habitat, probably too much moisture.

There was a new leaf in mid August.
Drimiopsis New Leaf

That leaf felt like the plant had been over watered. I removed the new leaf to prevent the possibility of rot.

Last night I removed the plant from its terra cotta pot and wrapped the roots in soft tissue.

Drimiopsis Drooping Leaves /></p>
<p>The soil did not seem damp but felt cool to the touch.<br />
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The roots were not near the bottom of the pot, but pretty sure too much moisture is the problem.

*I have the plants without saucers on wire racks. For some reason I had moved the Drimiopsis to one of the second shelves.


Studio Plant Shelves photo taken 26 July 2020

Thinking maybe there was drainage from a plant above.

The possible good news is the bulb is still firm.


Drimiopsis 17 July 2020 shortly after its arrival and potting.

Plants of the World Online | Kew Science

Fungus Found in Soil of Potted Plants

Today I found fungus growth in a few of my recently repotted plants. The potting mix is a combination of peat, bark, decomposed granite, and pea gravel. The potting mix for a few plants that are not succulents, had the addition of a manufactured cactus mix.





Removed From Two Potted Plant



Evening–Found more potted plants with evidence of fungi.

When I opened the soil bin, this is what I found.
Did not see the fungi when I used the cactus soil as part of a soil potting mix.
Just finished repotting every plant that I used the soil potting mix.

Gosh, it was a lot of work to clean the plants and scrub and disinfect the pots, make a potting mix, and repot all of the plants. Good that only a few plants were potted up the day I used the soil potting mix.

Crassula capitella Red Pagoda and Mealybugs

Nearly all of my Crassula capitella Red Pagoda have these–

Pagoda Insects


I cleaned the plants and placed them in the plant hospital in the upstairs bathroom. Plan to give the plants a little time to see if more mealybugs surface. If they do I will dispose of the plants.

Crassula capitella Red Pagoda

The day I brought the Crassula capitella Red Pagoda home in 2018. It is the plant on the right.

The Echeveria Black Knight today–

Echeveria Black Knight