A Nice Surprise–Monarch Caterpillar

Today I located the missing Monarch caterpillar. It is attached to one of my Brugmansia and is in the process of changing.

Monarch caterpillar

Four Hours Later–

Monarch caterpillar


The Monarch caterpillar traveled from the milkweed
(blue arrow pointing to it) to the Brugmansia in the pot (yellow arrow).

The Next Day, September 27, 2017

Monarch caterpillar


Chrysalis September 28, 2017



Caterpillar Found on Counter
From Fresh Corn


Caterpillar Found on Counter
Flip Side

Monarch Caterpillars

Monarch Caterpillar

Monarch Caterpillar Spent a Day
in the Same Location

Monarch Caterpillar

Monarch Caterpillar Active Again

Monarch Caterpillar

Monarch Caterpillars This Morning 9/20/17

September 24, 2017


Milkweed Eaten by Monarch


The Monarch That Ate My Milkweed Pod

September 25, 2017
This morning the Monarch caterpillar was no where to be found. Perhaps it was time for it to begin the next phase of its cycle. I would prefer to believe that the Monarch caterpillar relocated than to think its absence is because of a predator.

It is odd that the smaller Monarch caterpillar disappeared as well. Maybe it will surface tomorrow.

A Monarch Came to Visit…

or could it be the missing caterpillar?


The Monarch was flitting from plant to plant.
Difficult to capture an image of it.

Milkweed Pod

Yesterday the First Milkweed Seed Pod Opened.

The seed pod is from a plant that I purchased. It was my backup plant, just in case the plants that I grew from seed did not survive.

In November of last year, I planted seed that I harvested from a friend’s plant. Most of the plants are blooming and are developing seed pods.


Since the milkweed is a temporary plant, I planted a cutting from my original Solandra maxima behind it. The leaves are yellow and a bit eaten. Systemic can’t be applied until the Monarch cycle is completed.

Solandra maxima Pod

The cutting is from this plant.

Monarch Caterpillar

Previous Posts on Monarchs

Monarch Caterpillars and Milkweed

Milkweed, a Caterpillar, and Lots of Aphids

Milkweed and Ants